Itinerary posts must be clearly identified in their titles, and must include more information than dates and location. Posts that contain minimal information ("Where should I go?"), excessively broad questions ("Tips for Tokyo?" or "Is Osaka worth it?"), or other low effort / karma-gleaning posts ("I miss Japan!") will be removed. This information can have a significant impact on the suggestions the community provides to you. Include information such as: Where you're starting and your dates of travel budget general interests or things you like to do. Be specific in the questions you're asking. (This also includes questions about purchasing or using a JR Pass, as the FAQ contains an extensive page on this topic.) If you've done your homework but still don't have an answer to your questions, create a descriptive post that includes the research you've done.
Easily researched or commonly repeated questions will be removed. Read the FAQ (linked above), check out the General Advice page, search the subreddit, and do a cursory Google search before you submit a question. Posts that belong in other subreddits will be removed or redirected. Translation requests should be posted in r/translator. Posts about living in Japan, whether temporarily or permanently belong, in either r/movingtojapan, r/teachinginjapan, or r/japanlife.
General posts about travel, airlines, accommodations, or other destinations should be posted in r/travel or r/flights.
This subreddit is intended for those traveling as a tourist within Japan.This subreddit is for any and all looking to visit Japan as a tourist - including those who have already been.